For an easy collaboration with public institutions:

capito is a partner of the BBG

We are collaborating with the Bundesbeschaffung GmbH (BBG). That means that capito is well prepared for for cooperation with authorities and public agencies.

The BBG is the central partner organization for public procurement in Austria. This means that public institutions, schools, municipalities and many other institutions buy their required products and services via the BBG.

This works without much effort  via the online store of the BBG. The store offers a wide range of products for this purpose. All purchases via the BBG are compliant with public procurement law.

You can find more information on the Website of the BBG.

Jemand unterzeichnet Vertrag - capito ist jetzt bei BBG
capito bbg parlament

Why capito?

Municipalities, public authorities, education and health care providers are among our most important customer groups.

The Web Accessibility Act (WZG) obliges public institutions in Austria to ensure accessibility on their websites and mobile applications.

An important point here is information in easy language. Because content that is difficult to understand is not accessible!

With our expertise in easy-to-understand language, we make your websites and applications accessible. This way, you can easily comply with the legal requirements.

We are very pleased to be listed with the BBG. If you are a public institution and would like to use capito, you can obtain our services through the BBG without any problems and in a legally compliant manner.

capito digital can also be tested and purchased directly on our website. Try it out now!

Contact us:

We answer all your questions regarding the collaboration with the BBG.

Julia Zechberger
Head of Sales