A photo of a woman who looks at her computer screen and smiles.

Accessible PDFs

We make your documents accessible to everyone.

Typical PDF documents are full of barriers. In many cases, they do not work with screen readers, or they are difficult to read because of their format.

We can create PDFs for you that are completely accessible. Learn more!

How we create accessible PDFs

  • We create accessible PDFs following the ISO standards PDF/UA (DIN ISO 14289-1:2016-12) and WCAG. This includes the technical, and semantic editing of the documents.


  • We check accessible PDF documents following the applicable ISO standards and the Matterhorn Protocol.


  • We design accessible documents and accessible graphics. From layout to the accessible end product.

Why are accessible PDFs so important?

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Accessible PDFs enable people with disabilities, such as visual impairments, hearing impairments, or motor impairments, to access the same information as people without disabilities. This promotes inclusion and equality.

An icon showing a person and a target

Extended target group

Accessible PDFs expand the target group of your documents. They are not only useful for people with disabilities but also for older people and people who access information in multiple ways.

An icon showing a computer

Search engine optimization

Accessible PDFs are easier for search engines to access and index. This can help to increase the visibility of your documents online.

How accessible are your texts?

The format of your PDFs is not the only crucial point for accessible documents. Always keep in mind that your texts should be accessible and easy to understand, too. capito.ai helps you with that. Our AI tool analyzes the comprehensibility of your texts and simplifies texts automatically into 3 easy-to-understand language levels.

Do you need accessible PDFs?

Don’t hesitate to contact to us!