A picture of the AI text simplification by capito.ai


The AI tool for Easy Language

capito.ai supports you in writing better texts. With just a few clicks you can analyze and simplify your text in 3 language levels (A1, A2, B1) fully automatically.

Use the best simplification AI on the market now!

Important: capito.ai was developed for desktop use. Please use a laptop or PC to use capito.ai.

What our AI for Easy Language can do:

An icon showing a magic wand

Automated simplification

With just one click you can simplify your text in 3 easy-to-understand language levels.

An icon showing a laptop


Use capito.ai everywhere you write your texts. Our tool is available as add-on for Microsoft Word and Outlook and as browser add-in for Chrome, Firefox und Edge.

An icon showing multiple language signs

Multiple languages

Translate and simplify your texts in one step. capito.ai is available in German, English, French, Hungarian, Slovenian, and Romanian.

Writing coach:

An icon showing a % sign

Analysis & score

capito.ai analyses your text and shows which language level is has.

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Suggestions & explanations

capito.ai provides suggestions on how to simplify your text and offers you easy-to-understand word explanations.

An icon showing a gender symbol

Gender function

Our tool helps you to write in an easily understandable and gender-sensitive way.


An icon showing a dictionary

Personal dictionary

Create dictionary entries for your profile. capito.ai suggests your dictionary entries in the text editor if a specified word is recognized.

An icon showing a piece of paper and a pencil

Text snippets

Create text snippets for your profile. Our text analysis suggests text modules in the text editor if a keyword is recognized.

An icon showing a hand and a pencil


Create spellings for this profile. Our text analysis sounds the alarm if you misspell a word. You can replace the incorrect spelling with the correct spelling.​

For big organisations:

An icon showing multiple people

Team management

Create and manage teams for the users in your organization.

An icon showing an invoice

Invoice management

Simple and straightforward billing. As an administrator, you are always in control.

capito ai api

API & on-premises

Thanks to our API solution you can integrate capito.ai seamlessly into your systems. or maximum security, you can also use capito.ai on-premises.

capito.ai supports you wherever you write

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Use capito.ai in Microsoft Word

With the Word Add-In you can simplify your texts directly in your Word document! That makes writing easily understandable texts even more pleasant for you.

A picture of the capito.ai Word Add-in

Important: The capito add-in works from Microsoft Word 2019.

A picture of the capito.ai Outlook Add-in

Use capito.ai in Microsoft Outlook

We support you wherever you write your texts. Put an end to emails that are hard to understand and use capito.

Use the practical capito.ai add-in when you are writing emails in Microsoft Outlook.

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to install the Outlook add-in.

capito.ai in your browser:

Why should you use capito.ai?

An icon showing a megaphone

Increase reach

With simple and clear language, you will be understood by more people.

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Legal requirements

EU legislation obliges companies to provide accessible information on their homepages.

An icon showing a heart

Promote inclusion

When you write in an easy-to-understand way, you break down information barriers.

Do you have more questions?

Ckeck out our FAQs:

Do you want to know more? Contact us. We will answer your questions and find the fitting solutions for you.