supports you in writing better texts. With just a few clicks you can analyze and simplify your text in 3 language levels (A1, A2, B1) fully automatically.
Important: was developed for desktop use. Please use a laptop or PC to use
What our AI for Easy Language can do:
Automated simplification
With just one click you can simplify your text in 3 easy-to-understand language levels.
Use everywhere you write your texts. Our tool is available as add-on for Microsoft Word and Outlook and as browser add-in for Chrome, Firefox und Edge.
Multiple languages
Translate and simplify your texts in one step. is available in German, English, French, Hungarian, Slovenian, and Romanian.
Writing coach:
Analysis & score analyses your text and shows which language level is has.
Suggestions & explanations provides suggestions on how to simplify your text and offers you easy-to-understand word explanations.
Gender function
Our tool helps you to write in an easily understandable and gender-sensitive way.
Personal dictionary
Create dictionary entries for your profile. suggests your dictionary entries in the text editor if a specified word is recognized.
Text snippets
Create text snippets for your profile. Our text analysis suggests text modules in the text editor if a keyword is recognized.
Create spellings for this profile. Our text analysis sounds the alarm if you misspell a word. You can replace the incorrect spelling with the correct spelling.
For big organisations:
Team management
Create and manage teams for the users in your organization.
Invoice management
Simple and straightforward billing. As an administrator, you are always in control.
API & on-premises
Thanks to our API solution you can integrate seamlessly into your systems. or maximum security, you can also use on-premises. supports you wherever you write
Use in Microsoft Word
With the Word Add-In you can simplify your texts directly in your Word document! That makes writing easily understandable texts even more pleasant for you.