A map of Austria, Germany, Italy and Switzerland that highlights all capito locations.

Our locations

The capito franchise network currently consists of 19 locations. They are located in 4 countries in Europe. 

All capito locations work according to the TÜV-certified capito method. This way we can offer our services at a high level of quality through all locations. 

The network also includes 2 sales partnerships and 58 quality partnerships.

capito in Germany

capito Berlin
die reha e.v.

capito Bodensee
OWB OberschwÀbische WerkstÀtten gem. GmbH

capito Hamburg
Grone Netzwerk Hamburg GmbH – gemeinnĂŒtzig

capito Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Lebenshilfewerk Hagenow gGmbH

capito MĂŒnchen
ARGUS! Kultur&Kommunikation


capito Stuttgart
1a Zugang Beratungsgesellschaft mbH

capito Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswiger WerkstÀtten

capito DBI Falk
Diakonisches Bildungsinstitut Johannes Falk gGmbH

Friederike von BĂŒlow
capito Partner


capito in Austria

capito Graz
atempo GmbH 

capito Niederösterreich
Kortexter Kommunikation GmbH

capito Vorarlberg und Liechtenstein
Fischkom PR / Kommunikation

capito Wien
Auftakt Services GmbH

capito in Switzerland

capito ZĂŒrich
Labena GmbH

capito Careum
Careum Verlag

Our sales partnerships

capito Nordhessen
distriko GmbH & Co. KG

Austria Presse Agentur