capito – CFS GmbH
Heinrichstraße 145
8010 Graz, Austria
FN CFS GmbH: 257236p
UID: ATU61475718
Bank details: Erste Bank, IBAN: AT68 2011 1822 1337 5200, BIC: GIBAATWWXXX
D&B D-U-N-S® number: 301211772
capito corp.
1247 Wisconsin Avenue NW Suite 201
Washington, DC 20007, USA
capito’s corporate objective is non-profit, because with its products and services capito promotes social equality and participation for all people.
capito was created on the initiative of atempo.
atempo trains people with disabilities for integration in the labour market. In addition, atempo wants to create jobs for people with disabilities with new products and services.
atempo receives public funding for the training of people with disabilities. In order to ensure to the funding bodies that no such funding is used for the development and marketing of saleable products and services, the board members of the atempo association founded CFS Consulting, Franchise & Sales GmbH in January 2005 with a private contribution.
CFS GmbH is responsible for the development and coordination of the capito network as well as the development and promotion of the products and services offered within the framework of capito.
This website uses photos and graphics from Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, Pixabay, Canva, Flaticon and Unsplash.
Here you will find the asset investment information sheet (VIB) in accordance with §§ 2a, 13 of the German Asset Investment Act (VermAnlG).
Website maintenance with the kind support of LOVE-IT Software Solutions.