Project by capito Nordbayern:

Become strong - stay healthy: The Klasse2000 parent's booklet

Easy-to-understand parent's booklet

The parents’ booklet from the Klasse2000 association is distributed 100,000 times to elementary schools throughout Germany. The target group is all parents. The topics of health, exercise, conflict resolution and the empowerment of children are the content of the booklet.

The special feature: The long text is written in the language level B1 and the summary in the language level A2. This allows as many parents as possible to implement the tips and suggestions for themselves and their children.

The key facts

What was developed?​​

A 24-page brochure was developed.

Who was involved?

The text was transcribed by Anja Pudelko and Tina Reinwand. The test group was moderated by Irmingard Fritsch. The design was done by Luzia Taschler.

When did the project take place?

The project was completed in September 2018.

Who is the client?​

Klasse2000 e.V.
Regina Ohlwerter

What does the brochure look like?

Just click on the button to download the brochure!

The print version of the brochure can be ordered at 

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