Foto von Erich Korger von capito Niederösterreich.

capito Niederösterreich

Kortexter Kommunikation GmbH

What does capito Niederösterreich do?

capito Niederösterreich exists since 2014.
capito Niederösterreich: That is Doris and Erich Korger.


Doris Korger values precise information and a clear language.
Her experience as a copywriter in public relations and in the support
of people with learning difficulties in writing, reading and arithmetic
complete each other perfectly for capito.
She is responsible for text, editing and proofreading.


Erich Korger values personal contacts and communication.
He has years of experience in the sale of services with a high need for an explanation.
As CEO of a special insurance, he always kept track of his teams, costs, strategies and goals.
All this experience is now benefiting capito.
He is responsible for consulting, coordination, organisation and courses.


Together we are Kortexter Kommunikation GmbH. We text for the cortex.


In the (cerebral) cortex humans, process what they sense – for example, what we see or hear.
However, seeing and hearing only makes sense, if information is also being understood.


That is why we write and design information in a way,
that makes them easy-to-understand for as many people as possible.
Leicht Lesen for Lower Austria.