capito Stuttgart
1a Zugang Beratungsgesellschaft mbH
What does capito Stuttgart do?
capito Stuttgart joined the capito partner network in December 2012.
capito Stuttgart ist a business area of 1a Zugang Beratungsgesellschaft mbH. The company 1a Zugang has a lot of experience in the qualification and integration of people with disabilities.
The main task of capito Stuttgart is the translation of information into easy-to-understand texts.
For example, we translate educational materials for different professional fields.
We also translate texts and information for businesses and associations.
So that all people can understand them.
And learn new things.
We also check buildings on accessibility.
Because people with disabilities face many difficulties in public buildings.
For example, people in wheelchairs cannot open a heavy door by themselves.
This a barrier. We want that there are no more barriers.