capito goes international

Easy Language in English, French and Italian

For more than 20 years, we have been working in the German-speaking world to improve comprehensibility and accessibility. Within the framework of ERASMUS+, we are now networking with organisations and universities from other countries. In this way, we ensure comprehensibility in German, English, French and Italian.

Under the name “Capito! Compris! Understood! Understood!” we will be doing intensive research on the topic of easy-to-understand language in English, French and Italian over the next 2 years. Among other things, we are developing 5 tools for adult education that will help promote comprehensibility and accessibility in the different languages. This is made possible by ERASMUS+ funding.

What is ERASMUS+?

Erasmus+ is an EU programme. The programme promotes education, training, youth and sport in Europe.
The programme’s content focuses on social inclusion, the green and digital transformation and the promotion of young people’s participation in democratic life.
Zwei junge Frauen sehen sich Projektziele für das Erasmusü Projekt an - capito goes international

What is the project about?

Comprehensibility is an issue that affects us all. Easily understandable information contributes to inclusion and accessibility. It also helps to avoid misunderstandings and misinformation. This is especially important when it comes to communicating complex information.
Over the last few years, various concepts for language simplification have become established in Europe. In the German-speaking countries, capito sets essential standards: In addition to the catalogue of criteria, the review by representatives of the target group is a fixed part of the TÜV-certified capito method.
Accessibility guidelines are being created as part of the project. They take linguistic peculiarities into account and help to make information as accessible as possible.

These are the 5 project goals:

  1.  Accessibility Guidelines in English
  2.  Accessibility Guidelines in French 
  3. Accessibility Guidelines in Italian
  4. Toolbox for Accessibility Training
  5. Course curriculum for people with learning difficulties to become co-trainers

The project facilitates an international exchange about linguistic peculiarities and challenges. The guidelines and training materials we develope together take into account the peculiarities of the different languages and at the same time create a common framework for more comprehensibility. In addition, the tools and materials developed help to increase the quality and effectiveness of accessibility training in a targeted way. 

“Every day, people are confronted with information that they do not understand or do not understand well. And not only here in Austria, but across all national and language borders. That is why we are very much looking forward to the project with so many international partner organisations. We are thus making a joint contribution to a culture of communication that excludes no one!”
Ursula Semlitsch, project manager and expert for easy-to-understand language
Porträtfoto von Ursula Semlitsch - Projektleiterin capito goes international

Who is involved in the project?

Various universities and organisations are participating in the project. They are experts in easy-to-understand language and accessibility and help us to implement the project.
Besides capito Graz and capito Zurich, these organisations and universities are involved:

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What's the next step?

We will accompany the project over the next few months and provide insights into our work.

What to expect:

  • Insights into the project team
  • Information on the topic of easy language in the different languages
  • Interviews with linguistic experts

The project will start in the coming weeks with a kick-off meeting. At the meeting, we will meet with the project participants at capito headquarters in Graz. In addition to getting to know each other personally, we will also celebrate the official start of the project.

Sounds exciting? Then sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn! That way you’ll always be up to date. Feel free to leave us a comment if you have any questions or comments about the project.

Co-funded by the European Union Logo - capito

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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