As part of an EU project, we are networking with experts for easy language from all over Europe. Under the name “Capito! Compris! Understood! Understood!” we will conduct intensive research on the topic of easy-to-understand language over the next 2 years. Based on the research, we will then develop tools and guidelines. This is made possible by ERASMUS+ funding.
The project launch took place online in the summer. Now we finally met in persona.
The meeting was opened by the capito founding duo. Walburga Fröhlich and Klaus Candussi were on sabbatical during the meeting and sent digital greetings to the project team.
You can see them in the following video:
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On site, Paul Anton Mayer (Chief Digital Officer of capito) and Ursula Semlitsch (project manager and expert for easy-to-understand language of capito) welcomed the participants.
This was followed by the first big round of introductions. The participants introduced themselves and their companies. Among them were Guillaume Jacquinot (Inclusion Ireland), Naomi Brenner (Red Carpet for All), Karine Bardary (Com’access), Erin McInerney (Uni Freiburg) and Marlene Dax (Uni Graz). Online Bettina Nagler (capito Zürich), Anna Cardinaletti (Uni Venedig) and Valentina Paulon (Red Carpet for All) joined the meeting. atempo was presented by Melanie Wimmer.
The content of day 1 focused on organizational points, project goals and risk management.
In the evening, we went together to the Lendplatzl restaurant, where we tasted traditional Austrian cuisine—including Kaiserschmarrn!
On Day 2, we picked up speed in terms of content. Key points included:
The capito criteria catalogue, its translation into other languages and the project results we develop on it
The scientific exchange between the universities and the organizations
In the afternoon we worked out the communication plan and the project goals in more detail.
At the end of the 2nd day, we summed up once again: The first face-to-face meeting brought many exciting insights. The project goals are now clearer to everyone.
Now we will get down to work. The exchange will take place mainly online in the coming months before we meet together in Venice. We are already looking forward to seeing you again!
“We were very happy to welcome our partner organizations with us in Graz. For 2 days we were able to exchange ideas, plan together, clarify organizational matters and get to know each other even better. Now we are entering the implementation phase with full energy. And we are already looking forward to the next personal meeting in Venice!”
Ursula Semlitsch
Project manager and expert for easy-to-understand language at capito
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